Meet MaryRose

MaryRose Miraglia

Licensed Insurance Agent

MaryRose has worked in the Health Insurance industry for 40 years. She has been working with the Medicare plans for over 30 years. Prior to retiring from Kaiser Permanente she spent 24 years as a Sales Executive enrolling Medicare Beneficiaries into their Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage, Medicare HMO plan. And now as an Independent Agent represents the major Health Plans linked with Medicare.

She is passionate about helping people understand Medicare and choosing the right plan to fit their needs. She is a sincere and knowledgeable advocate for her clients. Her broad understanding of Medicare and Medicare Health Plans makes her a Trusted Adviser.

MaryRose is the mother of twin girls, Angelina and Isabella who are enrolled in college. She loves family gatherings and family dinners because it reminds her of her Italian grandma's Sunday dinners when she was a young girl. MaryRose was born in Brooklyn, New York and moved with her parents as a child to California. She has lived in the Los Angeles area for over 50 years.


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MaryRose Miraglia
Independent Insurance Agent
Agent #4013037
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent organizations that offer products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all your options.